August 10, 2009

Paycuts in Hollywood

“I have enough money to last me the rest of my life, unless I buy something.” – Jackie Mason

A recent LA Times article paints a grim picture of the state of Hollywood salaries.  Seems an actor who could rake in $15 million for a role a few years ago will likely only receive $10 million today.  How can they survive on that?

It was only a few years ago that head-case, Latrell Sprewell turned down a $21 million dollar contract offer from the Minnesota Timberwolves.  Demanding more money, his famous quote was, “I’ve got my family to feed.”

Really?  Twenty-one million dollars isn’t enough to feed your family?  Am I supposed to feel sorry for Mr. Sprewell or for the stars in Hollywood taking these big pay cuts?  It will be interesting to see how things pan out, but in the midst of our country’s biggest recession in more than two decades, I have to admit I’m pleased to see some of the outrageous Hollywood salaries come down.  Let’s hope Major League Baseball follows suit.

Sure I want a piece of that million dollar pie, but, really, wouldn’t I be just as happy with $10 million as I would with $15 million?  I could feed my family much better with that than my five figure salary right now!


Lance said...

Well you know what they always say...five figures is better than four figures.

Yeah I know, I'm not much help.

And do I have a story for YOU next time we

MN 2 Hollywood said...

Did I say 5 figures? I meant 4...