January 2, 2009


"I find the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have" -- Thomas Jefferson

I am an inherently unlucky person. Sure, I'm blessed with a beautiful wife, an amazing daughter, a roof over my head, food on my table, and much more than I deserve, and believe me, I take none of this for granted. But when it comes to the little things, I rarely catch a break. Example: I dropped the lid of a jar of homemade jelly on the kitchen floor the other day. It landed jelly-side up! I was so amazed that I started to comment on the unlikelihood of the occurrence, but before I could get the words out, I picked up the lid only to have it slip and fall jelly-side down on my slippers. I laughed.

Sulking in my lifelong curse of bad luck used to be my reaction of choice, but one of my top goals for 2009 is to counter the unlucky breaks with extra motivation to overcome the obstacles with hard work. I am going to test the validity of Mr. Jefferson's claim.

My industry of choice is one that seems to invite only the lucky, making my pursuit for a seat at its table feel insurmountable at times. I don't have nepotism on my side. I certainly don't have money on my side. And at times I question my own talent, the one constant I've leaned on in my years of chasing Hollywood's carrot. One thing I do have on my side is the unflappable desire to be a part of the business that is like no other. It is my God-given vocation. The work for which I am most qualified. A labor that is truly a love.

So 2009 is the year in which I will reach a new level of success in the film and television industry, dubbed 'Hollywood' by most in recognition of its implied geographic center. My referral to 'Hollywood,' however, is more for simplicity's sake. Whatever I can accomplish in my lovely home state will not be discredited because of cartographical tenets. After all, there is a Hollywood, Minnesota, through which I have driven many times.

Why blog about this? Two reasons, really. One, by publishing a goal, albeit it to only the three or four people who will actually read this, the motivational fire grows hotter if only to validate my claims and save dignity. The more important reason is to share my mistakes (and successes) along the way so others (the three or four who actually read this) can benefit and learn. I really want to help others along the way and bring as many as I can with me.

So if you're interested in the entertainment industry, read on! And don't hesitate to share thoughts or questions along the way. If my ramblings can help even one person, I will consider this blog a worthwhile endeavor. Who knows? Maybe your stumbling across this blog will be a lucky break for you in 2009. ;)

1 comment:

Gabriel Remus said...

Ah,the blogosphere. I have myself ventured down this lonely road before and really should do so again. Maybe you'll encourage me to keep it going.